Published in Refereed Journals
- Kornak J, Irwin ME, and Cressie N (2006). Spatial point process
models of defensive strategies: Detecting changes. Statistical
Inference for Stochastic Processes 9: 31 - 46.
PDF (389K)
- McMillan N, Bortnick SM, Irwin ME, and Berliner LM (2005). A
Hierarchical Bayesian Model to Estimate and Forecast Ozone Through Space
and Time. Atmospheric Environment 39: 1373-1382.
PDF (411K)
- Alexandridis R, Lin S, and Irwin M (2004). Class Discovery and
Classification of Tumor Samples Using Mixture Modeling of Gene
Expression Data. Bioinformatics 20: 2545 - 2552.
PDF (109K). Supplementary
figures PDF (127K).
- Wendt DA, Irwin ME, and Cressie N (2004). Waypoint analysis for command
and control. Naval Research Logistics 51: 1045-1067.
PDF (266K)
- Biswas S, Papachristou C, Irwin ME, Lin S (2003). Linkage Analysis
of the Simulated Data Evaluations and Comparisons of Methods. BMC Genet
2003 4 (Suppl I): S70. HTML or PDF (243K).
- Lin S, Skrivanek Z, and Irwin ME (2003). Haplotyping Using SIMPLE -
Caution on Ignoring Interference. Genetic Epidemiology 25:
384-387. PDF (71K).
- Skrivanek Z, Lin S, and Irwin ME (2003). Linkage Analysis with
Sequential Imputation. Genetic Epidemiology 25: 25-35.
PDF (135K).
- Irwin ME, Cressie N, and Johannesson G (2002). Spatial-temporal
nonlinear filtering based on hierarchical statistical models (with
discussion). Test 11: 249-302.
PDF (567K)
- Luo Y, Lin S, and Irwin ME (2001). Two-locus modeling of asthma
in a Hutterite pedigree via Markov chain Monte Carlo. Genetic
Epidemiology 21 (Suppl 1): S24-S29.
PDF (34K)
- Bollmer JL, Irwin ME, Rieder JP, and Parker PG (1999). Multiple
Paternity in Loggerhead Turtle Clutches. Copeia 99: 475-478. PDF (192K)
- Lin S, Irwin ME, and Wright AF (1999). A multiple locus analysis
of the collaborative study on the genetics of alcoholism data set.
Genetic Epidemiology 17 (Suppl 1): S229-S234.
PDF (21K)
- Arnow PM, Carandang GC, Zabner R, and Irwin ME (1996). A Randomized
Controlled Trial of Selective Bowel Decontamination to Prevent
Infections After Liver Transplantation. Clinical Infectious Diseases
22: 997-1003. (PDF 434K)
- Roizen NJ, Blondis TA, Irwin M. Rubinoff A, Kieffer J, and Stein MA.
(1996). Psychiatric and Developmental Disorders in Families of Children
with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Archives of Pediatrics &
Adolescent Medicine 150: 203-208. Abstract
- Toljanic JA, Siddiqui AA, Patterson GL, Irwin ME, Shapiro RD, and
Hurst PS (1996). An Evaluation of a Dentifrice Containing Salivary
Peroxidase Elements for the Control of Gingival Disease in Irradiated
Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
76: 292-296. PDF (604K)
- Irwin M, Cox N, and Kong A. (1994). Sequential Imputation for
Multilocus Analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the U.S.A. 91: 11684-11688.
PDF (1040K)
- Roizen NJ, Blondis TA, Irwin M, and Stein M (1994). Adaptive
Functioning in Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 148: 1137-1142. Abstract
- Kong A, Irwin M, Cox N, and Frigge M (1993). Sequential Imputations
and Multi-point Analysis. Genetic Epidemilogy 10: 483-488. PDF (386K)
- Kong A, Frigge M, Irwin M, and Cox N (1992). Importance Sampling (I):
Computing Multimodel p-values in Linkage Analysis. American Journal of
Human Genetics 51: 1413-1429. PDF (2.4M)
- Kan L, Wiggs B, Irwin M, and Yee I (1990). Acute Respiratory Health
Effects in Asthmatic and Non-asthmatic Children Associated with Short
Term Exposure to Air Pollutants. Canadian Journal of Statistics
18: 373-377. PDF (623K)
- Sadovnick AD, Irwin ME, Baird PA, and Beattie BL (1989). Genetic Studies on an Alzheimer Clinic Population. Genetic Epidemiology 6: 633-643. PDF (739k)
Unpublished, Under Review, Technical Reports, etc
- Irwin ME, Cressie N, and Johannesson G (2002). Spatial-temporal
nonlinear filtering in Command and Control (C2). Technical
Report No. 697, Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University.
PDF (407K). (Note: A modified version of
this technical report is the paper mentioned above, published in Test.)
- Irwin ME (1998). Simpson's paradox: What can happend if you ignore
an important variable. Biostat News, Biostatistics Program, The Ohio
State University, 2, No. 2. Online version at OSU Biostatistics Center site.
- Irwin ME (1995). Sequential Imputation and Multilocus Linkage
Analysis. PhD Disseration, Department of Statistics, University of
PDF (444K).
- Irwin ME (1989). Empiric Risk Estimation in Alzheimers Disease. MSc Dissertation, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia.
Conference Presentations
- Kan L, Wiggs B, Irwin M, and Yee I. Case Studies in Data Analysis. Presented at Annual
Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Victoria, British Columbia, May 1988.
- Sadovnick AD, Irwin ME, Baird PA, and Beattie BL. Familial risks for Alzheimer's disease:
data from an unselected population. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Human Genetics, October 1988.
- Bamforth SJ, Irwin ME, and Baird PA. Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus: A population study
over a 33 year period. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human
Genetics, October 1988.
- Irwin ME, Sadovnick AD, Baird PA, and Beattie BL. Familial Risks in Alzheimer's Disease:
Data for an Unselected Population. Presented at Second International Symposium on
Familial Alzheimer's Disease, Seattle, Washington, May 1989. (ABSTRACT: Alzheimer
Disease and Associated Disorders Vol 3 Suppl 1 p 10).
- Irwin ME. Estimation of Familial Risks in Adult Onset Diseases. Presented at Annual
Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1989.
Kong A, Irwin M, Cox N, and Frigge M. Multi-Locus Problems and the Method of
Sequential Imputations. Presented at Genetics Analysis Workshop 8, Watsonville,
California, November 1992
- Irwin ME. Sequential Imputation and Multi-locus Linkage Analysis. Presented at the Joint
Statistical Meetings, San Francisco, California, August 1993.
- Irwin ME. Increasing the Efficiency of Monte Carlo EM Algorithms. Presented at the 2nd
IMS North American New Researchers’ Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, July 1995.
- Irwin ME. Efficient Imputation in Linkage Analysis. Presented at Joint Statistical Meetings,
August 1995.
- Rieder JP, Parker PG, Spotila JR, and Irwin ME. The Mating System of the Leatherback
Turtle (Dermochelys Coriacea): A Molecular Approach. Presented at the International
Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, February 1996.
- Peare T, Parker PG, and Irwin ME. Paternity Analysis in Green Turtles. Presented at the
International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, February 1996.
- Irwin ME. Reweighted Monte Carlo EM Algorithms. For the Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Case Western Reserve, and Ohio State University Annual Joint Symposium, May 1996.
- Irwin ME. Reweighted Monte Carlo EM Algorithms. Presented at the Joint Statistical
Meetings, Chicago IL, August 1996
- Irwin ME. Pedigree Reconstruction with Partial Genetic Information. Presented at the 3rd
IMS North American New Researchers’ Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming, July 1997.
- Irwin ME. Pedigree Reconstruction with Partial Genetic Information. Presented at the IMS
Annual Meeting, Park City, Utah, July 1997.
- Irwin ME. Pedigree Reconstruction with Partial Genetic Information. Presented at the Joint
Statistical Meetings, August 1998.
- Lin S, Irwin ME, Wright FA. An Analysis of the COGA Dataset. Presented at Genetics
Analysis Workshop 11, Arcachon, France, September 1998.
- Wright FA, Berry C, Irwin ME, Lin S. Allele Sharing: Testing and Modelling in a Simulated
Dataset. Presented at Genetics Analysis Workshop 11, Arcachon, France, September
- Luo Y, Lin S, and Irwin ME.. Two-locus Modeling of Asthma in a Hutterite Pedgiree via
Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Presented at Genetics Analysis Workshop 12, San Antonio,
Texas, October 2000.
- Wang D, Gao X, Lin S, Skrivanek Z, Irwin ME, and Wright FA. Comparison of Several
Methods for Linkage Analysis. Presented at Genetics Analysis Workshop 12, San
Antonio, Texas, October 2000.
- Irwin ME. Spatial-temporal Nonlinear Filtering in Command and Control (C2). Presented
at the 34th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics, April 2002.
- Irwin ME, Cressie N, and Johannesson G. Spatial-temporal Nonlinear Filtering in
Command and Control (C2). Presented at First Cape Cod Workshop on Monte Carlo
Methods, September 2002.
- Cressie N, Irwin ME, and Kornak J. Particle Filtering and Spatial Prediction in the
Battlespace. Presented at the U.S. Army Conference on Applied Statistics, October
- Biswas S, Papachristou C, Irwin ME, Lin S. Linkage Analysis of the Simulated Data –
Evaluations and Comparisons of Methods. Presented at Genetics Analysis Workshop 13,
New Orleans, November 2002.
- Irwin ME, Wendt DA, Cressie N. Waypoint Analysis for Command and Control. Presented
at the 35th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics, Salt Lake
City, March 2003.
- Alexandridis RA, Lin S, and Irwin M. Discovery and Classification of Cancer Types Using
Gene Expression Analysis. Presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Human Genetics, Los Angeles, November 2003.
- Irwin ME. Spatial point process models of defensive strategies: Detecting changes. Los
Alamos National Laboratory, March 2005.
- Nestrud MA, Wedel M, Irwin ME, Cohen SH (2012). A Bayesian Stochastic Unfolding Model for Sensory Dominance Judgments. Presented at the 11th Sensometrics, Rennes France, July 2012, PDF (1.4M)
- Irwin ME, Phansalkar A. Clustering Analysis of Clickstream Data in Consumer Path to
Purchase. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, August 2013.